Man helping another man up

Leading an organization or a department consists of many moving pieces. You are simultaneously responsible for delivering results, accounting for the bottom line, and setting a vision well into the future, all the while being expected to improve team performance. It’s a daunting task. And yet many executives and senior leaders feel that it is…

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Image of Man Considering Questions

Blind spots. Ever since I came across this term, I have been intrigued. Most words have just one or perhaps two meanings. This one has three, at least. There is a vehicular blind spot, visual (or literal) blind spot, or psychological (or metaphorical) blind spot. The one we want to focus on here is the…

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Two people shaking hands

Implementing an employee development training program within an entire organization can be a daunting task. Especially in recent years when we’ve all been asked to do more with less. Instructor led training is now more challenging due to travel restrictions, budgets, and global workforces. There is constant demand for immediate business results. And sometimes those…

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A Happy Flying Man

As we get ready to bid farewell to the current year, it’s time to look forward to the one ahead with goal setting and priorities planning. What can you do to grow your business and make the new year even more successful? Check out the tips below on how to approach planning and goal setting…

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Business success

Meet Peter McLaughlin, a Certified Emergenetics Associate and author of the book, Feedback Revolution. As an accomplished athletic coach of tennis, football and consultant to an NHL hockey team, Peter noticed that performance feedback is constant and encouraged in the world of sports. Coaches often critique every drive, run, routine and play. Athletes rely on…

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