Illustration of Aesculus californica (California buckeye), a deciduous tree showing summer leaves an

This is the fourth blog post in a series of Management Tips pertaining to behavioral attributes and the importance of self-awareness. Read the previous post here. Your Mission: To reinvent continuously [In order manage change effectively]. Why do you reinvent yourself or your work? After all, it’s really hard work. Logically, you look at results…

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Puzzle Pieces lowres

This is the third blog post in a series of Management Tips pertaining to the Emergenetics Behavioral Attributes and the importance of self-awareness. Read the previous post here. Assertiveness can get a bad rap these days. Pop culture embraces over-the-top characters like Donald Trump, whereas quiet business tycoon Warren Buffet rarely gets mentioned. Both are…

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Two Businesswomen Meeting Around Table

(This is the second blog post in a series of Management Tips pertaining to behavioral attributes and the importance of self-awareness. Read the first post here.) The Situation: A newly appointed leader of a Learning and Development team calls a last minute meeting. At the meeting, the leader of the team introduces a brainstorming topic…

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communication with teamate

Communication barriers in the workplace are an inevitability. Just think about your office… and about how people work. I’ll bet the first person you think about works completely differently than you do. There’s a reason why you don’t think instantly about the person who approaches work in the same way you do— that relationship and…

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leadership presentation

The Brain Summit is live from New York City for Day 2 and we couldn’t be more excited to have Allison Fass @alliefass from Inc. Magazine giving us what we absolutely need to be thinking about as business and talent leaders. We’ll give you the whole rundown on the 7 trends that you should be…

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A good story is thought-provoking and holds our attention to the end, when ultimately a valuable message becomes clear. Isn’t that what we’re out to accomplish when we pitch a new business case to the decision makers in our company? Then why not tell more stories at work? Harvard Business Review makes the case for…

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man confusing

Part One of a Two-Part Goal Setting Series with Emergenetics: Everyone sets and goes after their goals differently. They go about them differently because people think and behave differently. However, in an organization, goals aren’t made or achieved in a vacuum. It takes the work of many to get the results you need. That of…

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