Team Discussion around table

Cognitive diversity can create discomfort. Have you ever noticed the intense stare you might give to someone who isn’t coming to your conclusions or agreeing with your approach? You work to hold your tongue because you might burst out with obvious disdain something like, “How much clearer can I be?!” In your opinion, they “don’t…

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Businesswoman with schedule diary

What does receiving an employee performance appraisal mean to you? Would you work harder in your career if you felt more recognized for your accomplishments? A study done by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania hosted a fundraiser by calling alumni for donations. They split two groups of call center employees into separate…

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Business people discussing at the Office

Many companies have core values – usually defined as “principles that guide an organisation’s internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external world.” They are usually summarized in the mission statement as the values underlie the work, interactions, and strategies employed to fulfil the mission. It is paramount then, that core values are…

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business group disscussing

Team dynamics can be a make or break factor in creating a high-performance team- which in turn can affect the overall performance of an organization. This is especially true when an organization is small since everyone works so closely together, but it can be just as true in a larger organization. This is because creating…

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Group of office workers around one workstation

If you’re an avid Emergenetics Blog reader you know that we usually focus on the benefits of having a cognitively diverse team. After all, it is a proven way to stoke more creative and productive solutions. Sometimes though, differences between people can lead to disagreements and, if left unresolved, those differences can lead to team…

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Happy Couple Dream New Home

Do you find yourself arguing with your partner over a messy kitchen? Or perhaps feel frustrated because you are always the one planning your couple or family activities? Maybe you love to mingle at a party but feel irritated when your partner prefers to sit in the corner? Our individual differences can make relationships complicated,…

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Portrait of dreaming and planing girl.

Did you know that our decision making process is often based on the environment that we are in? For example, as I’m writing this article, I could be sipping on a hazelnut latte. However, I’m currently looking at a bottle of water. Although I am capable of walking out to buy a cup of coffee,…

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Business chalk sketch

What is the future of the learning environment? That was the question posed by keynote speaker Sugatra Mitra at the 2015 ATD International Conference & Exposition in sunny Orlando, Florida last week. The conversation that followed was both eye-opening, inspiring, and timely. The world of education, learning, and training & development is changing. This much…

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Tin can phone and businessman

Effective communication comes from a deeper understanding of your own perceptions and the perceptions of others. For example, communicating value means different things to different people. I am continually learning the distinction between “expensive” and “valuable.” I think it is human nature to assume that as price increases, value must inherently increase as well. We…

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