Colleagues working together around a laptop

To succeed in the future of work, innovation and trust are essential, and that means employees need to feel psychologically safe. Otherwise, how could they be comfortable raising questions and ideas that are bound to shake the status quo? Understanding the need for psychological safety is one thing. Creating it is something else. While it…

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People talking while seated in a circle in an office environment

Has your workplace culture kept pace with the many other changes that have occurred in your business? To stay competitive, companies have reorganized operations and rapidly digitized work. Through these significant and ongoing transformations, organizations have also experienced shifts in their culture – some intentional and others inadvertent. Businesses that have been mindful of their…

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Woman smiling at her laptop while taking notes on a tablet

Did you know that the average workday has increased by 48.5 minutes in the COVID-19 pandemic? Even if you were not aware of the exact figure, you may have felt it day to day. While there are certainly reasons to put in longer hours when needed, habitually adding time can increase your likelihood for burnout,…

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Coworkers writing on a whiteboard

The perceptions around holistic corporate wellness initiatives have changed over the past few years. Once seen as a unique, fringe benefit, organizations are now recognizing that they are a necessity to help staff optimize their health, navigate change and advance workplace performance. Research has shown that companies often save money through wellness programs because of…

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Three people sitting and smiling at each other in an office setting

Across the globe, many organizations are making plans to bring their staff back in person over the next five months. In fact, one survey of executives suggests that 70% expect to have employees in the office at least part-time later this year. With the return to the workplace, some experts anticipate that there may be…

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Person presenting at the front of a room

Learning & Development (L&D) teams have a distinctive challenge on their hands. Skill building programs are highly in-demand from employees and leadership. At the same time, L&D professionals are having to navigate an environment where staff have been putting in longer hours, which means that time constraints may pose an even more significant hindrance to…

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Two people posting sticky notes on a wall

Across industries, organizations are realizing that they need to address gaps in the talents their workers have today and the ones they will need to succeed tomorrow. Doing so will help companies keep pace with competition, achieve long-term goals and benefit their bottom line. PWC even estimates that 5.3 million jobs would be created and…

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Person writing in a notebook

Depending on which survey you read, somewhere between 26% and 40% of workers want to change jobs this year. Those figures have certainly served as a wakeup call to executives and Human Resources teams who may be faced with a mass employee exodus, which is being dubbed as the Great Resignation. While a desire for…

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Person pointing to a flipchart while colleagues look on

There is no time like the present to assess your staff’s skillsets and consider your company’s talent needs for the future. By next year, the World Economic Forum estimates that 42% of the core capabilities needed to fulfill job functions will have changed. By 2030, the organization expects more than one billion people will need…

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people working around a conference table

As of March of this year, 63% of Learning & Development (L&D) professionals agree that they have a seat at the executive table. That is a significant increase over the 24% who agreed with that same statement just one year prior. Given their elevated role, L&D leaders have an opportunity to make their mark and…

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